bingus.logging package


bingus.logging.logging module

A module with pre-chewed logging helpers.

bingus.logging.logging.get_file_logger(logger_name: str, log_level=20, log_file_directory='.', log_format='%(asctime)s %(name)-30s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s') Logger

Create a basic logger with a standardised file handler.

Creates a logger instance with a file handler. Logs will be sent to standard output and to a file. The file will have the date and time in its name. Each time this is run (up to once per second), a new logger is created with a new file name.

By default, the log file is created in the working directory.

  • logger_name – The name of the logger (std logging recommends you use __main__)

  • log_level – The log level (default is logging.INFO)

  • log_file_directory – The directory the logfile should be created in.

  • log_format – The log format to use. The default is “%(asctime)s %(name)-30s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s”.


A logging instance with an attached file handler.

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